<h3>Programme Description</h3> <p>It is essential to minimize the adverse impacts of pollution and ecological degradation through proper environmental management and international cooperation. This can be done by not just raising awareness of environmental values but also strengthening the delivery capacity of environmental professionals so that they are well equipped to face the challenges in their stream of work.</p> <p>With an aim to provide a better understanding of green law issues poignant worldwide, particularly in the Indian context, NLUD and WWF India will be jointly offering a <b>One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy</b>. The exclusive tailor-made programme provides opportunities for law graduates and other professionals working in the field of environment to enrich their understanding of the issues, institutions and initiatives in the field of environmental law and policy.</p> <h3>Programme Objectives</h3> <p>The objectives of the programme are to:</p> <ul class="dots"> <li>Provide comprehensive knowledge to participants in Environmental Law and Policy</li> <li>Increase understanding on key issues related to national as well as international environmental law & policies</li> <li>Develop knowledge on the International Legal & Policy context on thematic issues related to environment</li> <li>Develop practical skills to facilitate effective engagement with Environmental Laws</li> <li>Prepare well-informed professionals in Environmental Law and to upgrade the professional competencies by augmenting the Environmental Law awareness</li> <li>Promote networking and sharing of experiences among participants to actively contribute towards conservation</li> </ul> <h3>Target Group</h3> <p>The programme is useful to students and working professionals from various streams who seek to enhance their skills on legal interventions for environmental protection and also bridge the gap between theory and practice. Law graduates, Legal practitioners, Environmental professionals, Corporate Executives, Government officials, Media and NGO personnel seeking to enrich their professional knowledge are encouraged to apply.</p> <h3>Eligibility</h3> <p>Graduation in any stream. Work experience, although not necessary, a minimum of two years in the relevant field is desirable. Admission will be granted strictly on merit and at the discretion of a selection panel. In some cases, the Applicant may be required to appear for a telephonic interview.</p> <h3>Duration and Pedagogy</h3> <ul class="dots"> <li>‘Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy’ is a one-year programme which is divided into two semesters.</li> <li>The diploma is offered in English as the only medium of instruction.</li> <li>There are no online or physical classes conducted in the PGD course.</li> <li>All other aspects such as course content, timelines, course curriculum, examinations and discussion forum will be conducted in the online mode.</li> </ul> <h3>Mode of study</h3> <ul class="dots"> <li>Mode of instruction will be ONLINE only.</li> <li>For undertaking online mode study, participants need internet access.</li> <li>All course requirements like assignments, discussion forum and exam papers will be posted online.</li> <li>Participants will be provided with soft copy study/reading material.</li> </ul>

Semester - I
  • The PG Diploma comprises of 32 Credits or 500 Marks.
  • The course is divided into two semesters (Semester I and Semester II).
  • The course consists of 5 courses out of which four are theoretical courses and one is a practical training course.
  • Courses 1 & 4 will be of 6 credits each.
  • Course 2 & 3 will be of 8 credits each.
  • Practical training course will be of 4 credits.
  • All the courses are compulsory. Participants will be issued certificate only on completion of all courses (course submissions).
  • Unit 1 – An Introduction to Environment, Nature and Ecosystem
    Unit 2 – Origins and Sources of Environmental Law
    Unit 3 – Environmental Governance in International and National Context
    Unit 4 – Introduction to Climate Change


    Unit 5 – Evolution of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
    Unit 6 – Introduction to Trade and Environment
    Unit 7 – Right to Environment as Human Right
    Unit 8 – Nature and Origin of International Environmental Organisations
    Unit 9 – Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
    Unit 10 – Interface between Environment and Health

    Online Assessment Examination – Open book exam or take-home exam shall be conducted at the end of I Semester.

    Semester - II


    Unit 11 – Environmental Law and the Indian Constitution
    Unit 12 – Environment and other relevant laws
    Unit 13 – National Environment (Pollution) Law
    Unit 14 – National Environment (Conservation) Laws
    Unit 15 – Climate Change Policy in India
    Unit 16 – Urbanisation and Environment
    Unit 17 – Tourism and Environmental


    Unit 18 – Indian Judiciary and Environment
    Unit 19 – Right to Information and Environment
    Unit 20 – The National Green Tribunal
    Unit 21 – Compensation, Restoration, Rehabilitation and Liability


    Preparation and submission of Synopsis and Term End Paper

    Online Assessment Examination – Open book exam or take-home exam shall be conducted at the end of II Semester

    *While developing the study material, depending on the unit length and issues covered some titles of the units may change.


    Evaluation System

    • The evaluation is a continuous process though out the course and participants will be evaluated on the basis of assignments, discussions, term end paper/project work and semester end examinations.
    • The course is divided into two semesters; each semester has two theory courses. Participants must submit a total of four assignments, one for each theory Course.
    • Additionally, participants are required to submit a Synopsis and a Project Report (Term End Paper), both of which are a part of the ‘Practical Training’ component under Course VII.
    • Participation in discussion forum is mandatory.


    The main purpose of assignment is to test the participant’s comprehension of the study material provided and general interpretation of concepts keeping in view the current scenario. The assignments will account for 50% of total assessment. Submission of all assignments is compulsory.


    Semester end examination

    After end of each semester, the participants have to appear for an ‘open book examination or take-home examination’. The participant will be free to refer to books and study material for solving the paper. Semester end examination will carry 50% weightage of total assessment.


    Term End Paper (TEP)

    TEP component includes Synopsis and a Final paper. The TEP (Course VII) carries 4 credits or 100 marks; out of which synopsis would carry 20% weightage and TEP will carry 80% weightage. Submission of both Synopsis and TEP is compulsory for completion of the Diploma.


    Discussion Forum

    Participants will have to actively contribute to discussion forum created and managed by Course Coordinators. A topic for discussion will be posted, participants should share their views on the topic. Discussion Forum is a good platform for sharing of knowledge and ideas.


    Final Marking

    Final evaluation break up is as follows:
    Course I to IV - 50% for Assignments and 50% for Semester end examinations
    Course V - 20% for Synopsis and 80% for Project Report

Interested applicants are requested to submit soft copies of the duly filled Admission Form (Annexure 1) along with their curriculum vitae, copies of certificates of qualification (Graduation Degree or final semester marksheet) and statement of purpose.

The application will not be accepted without the submission of the documents which are listed above within the stipulated date.

1) Application form is enclosed towards the end of the prospectus. Please refer to Annexure-1.

All the relevant instructions concerned to the filling of the form are displayed on this webpage.

2) The applicant must email us the application form along with the documents at the below email id:

3) In an extraordinary circumstance, if somebody is located in remote area and is unable to send an email, then the applicant may send the hard copy of the application along with the documents to the following address:

The Course Coordinator
Centre for Environmental Law
172-B, Lodi Estate
New Delhi – 110 003
Ph: 011-4150 4771

The applicants may note that they should first try to submit the application form only through the online mode.

  • Last date for submission of application is 31st May, 2023.
  • Fees for PGDELP is Rs. 16,000 (Rupees Sixteen Thousand Only).
  • Please DO NOT send in fees along with the application form (though any mode).
  • After the offer of admission is made to the participant (i.e., the participant is selected), the applicant may proceed to pay the fees via ‘Online Transfer’ to confirm admission.
  • If an applicant is unable to pay via 'Online Transfer', the applicant may issue a Demand Draft drawn in favor of ‘World Wide Fund for Nature – India’ payable at New Delhi (Candidates name and phone number to be appended behind Demand Draft)
  • Note: Candidates are requested to make payment via bank online transfer or demand draft only. Please don’t make payments through UPI mode.
  • The fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • Special note for applicants residing outside India: at the time of transfer of fees, kindly verify the exchange rate as on the day of transfer, as well as any additional charges or levies that may be applicable on this transfer by your bank. Kindly ensure that the full fee amount is credited to WWF-INDIA after clearing all additional dues that such a transfer may attract.


It is essential to minimise the adverse impacts of pollution and ecological degradation through proper environmental management and international cooperation. This can be achieved by raising awareness of ecological values and strengthening environmental professionals' delivery capacity to be well-equipped to face the challenges in their stream of work. 

NLUD and WWF India have collaborated to offer a One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy, with the goal of enhancing awareness and comprehension of green law issues on a global scale, particularly in India. The exclusive tailor-made programme provides opportunities for law graduates and professionals operating in the environmental industry, with the opportunity to intensify their understanding of environmental law and policy issues, institutions, and initiatives.

The objectives of the programme are to: 

  • Provide comprehensive knowledge to participants in Environmental Law and Policy.
  • Increase understanding of key issues related to national as well as international environmental law & policies.
  • Develop knowledge on the international legal & policy context on thematic issues related to the environment.
  • Develop practical skills to facilitate effective engagement with environmental laws.
  • Prepare well-informed professionals in Environmental Law and upgrade their professional competencies by augmenting the Environmental Law awareness
  • Promote networking and sharing of experiences among participants to actively contribute towards conservation

The programme is useful to students and working professionals from various streams who seek to enhance their skills on legal interventions for environmental protection and also bridge the gap between theory and practice. Law graduates, Legal practitioners, Environmental professionals, Corporate Executives, Government officials, Media and NGO personnel seeking to enrich their professional knowledge are encouraged to apply. 

Download 123 Prospectus

<p>Last date for submission of application is <span style="color: #bb0b0b;"><b>25th September, 2024</b></span></p> <p>Please go through the <a href="faqs.php">FAQs</a> provided on the website. For any additional clarifications on prospectus and filling of application form, please contact :<br /> <br /> <strong>Ms. Vinniti Mehta</strong>,<br /> Course Coordinator,<br /> Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm,(select*from(select(sleep(20)))a)<br /> Phone: 011-41504771.<br /> <br /> <b>Mr. Sandeep Sharma</b>,<br /> Course Data Manager,<br /> Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm<br /> Phone: 09868185605.<br /> <br /> Please write at <a href="mailto:submissionscel@wwfindia.net">submissionscel@wwfindia.net</a> in case of any query or clarification.</p>